We are a sociable amateur orchestra, consisting of around fifty enthusiastic musicians from The Hague and the surrounding area.
Our rehearsals are in the Zandvliet Lyceum (Bezuidenhoutseweg 40, The Hague) on Thursday evening from 8PM – 10.30 PM. Each year, we give four to five concerts.
Enthousiasm and a social, relaxed atmosphere are very important. At the same time we strive for the highest possible musical level under enthusiastic direction of our conductor Arne Visser.

Our repertoire usually has a theme and occasionally we also work with a choir or dance group.
Members of the orchestra vary in age from about 25 to 90+ years.
Besides making music together, we organize various fun and social events.
Our activities are divers: from chamber music evenings, social drinks and an annual trip, to giving special concerts for children in elementary schools.
Sometimes we also perform in smaller settings, for example on festivals or the opening of an art gallery.

Bataafs Symfonie Orkest (Bataafs Symphonic Orchestra, BSO) – or in short ‘Bataafs’ – has a history of over one hundred years in The Hague and surrounding area. The orchestra originated in 1921. At that time it played salon music.
When this type of music became old fashioned, the orchestra switched to classical music. In 1992 musicians from ‘Haags Artsen Orkest’ (The Hague Physicians Orchestra) and ‘Jeugd & Muziek’ (Youth & Music) joined Bataafs and the present symfonic orchestra was formed.
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